@extends('BaseSistemaWeb') @section('CSS') {{ HTML::style('DataTables/dataTables.bootstrap.min.css') }} {{ HTML::style('DataTables/responsive.dataTables.min.css') }} @stop @section('Contenido')

Gestión de prospectos

@if (Session::has('message'))
{{ Session::get('message') }}

Calendario de actividades de seguimiento de prospectos

@if( $Empleado->cargos_id == 3 || $Empleado->cargos_id == 4 )
Correo Electrónico
@stop @section('JS') {{ HTML::script('DataTables/jquery.dataTables.min.js') }} {{ HTML::script('DataTables/dataTables.bootstrap.min.js') }} {{ HTML::script('DataTables/dataTables.responsive.min.js') }} {{ HTML::script('jquery-browser-plugin/jquery.browser.min.js') }} @stop @section('JSOr') @if( Agent::isDesktop() ) $(".sidebar-toggle-box").trigger("click"); @endif $("#calendario").fullCalendar({ locale: "es", header: header, buttonText: { today: "ahora", month: "mes", week: "semana", day: "día", list: "lista" }, defaultView: defaultView, themeSystem: "bootstrap3", weekNumbers: true, eventSources: [{ url: "{{ URL::route('SysWebGClientesCalendario') }}", type: "POST", data: dataExtraFC, error: function(){ alert("there was an error while fetching events!"); }, color: "#009ade", backgroundColor: "#009ade", borderColor: "#009ade", textColor: "white" }], eventClick: function(event){ if(event.url){ //window.open(event.url); var url = new Url(event.url); url.query["sc-per"] = 1; var nuevaVentana = window.open(url); nuevaVentana.onbeforeunload = function(){ $("#calendario").fullCalendar("refetchEvents"); } return false; } }, eventLimit: true, views: { basic: { // options apply to basicWeek and basicDay views ventLimit: 6 }, agenda: { // options apply to agendaWeek and agendaDay views ventLimit: 6 }, week: { // options apply to basicWeek and agendaWeek views ventLimit: 6 }, day: { // options apply to basicDay and agendaDay views ventLimit: 6 } } }); $("#frmFiltroFechas").submit(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); dataExtraFC.usuario = $("#slVendedores").val(); dataExtraFC.tipo = $("#slTipo").val(); $("#calendario").fullCalendar("refetchEvents"); }); @if(Session::has('EliminarMensajeS')) new PNotify({ title: "Realizado", text: "{{ Session::get('EliminarMensajeS') }}", type: "success" }); @endif @if(Session::has('EliminarMensajeE')) new PNotify({ title: "Realizado", text: "{{ Session::get('EliminarMensajeE') }}", type: "error" }); @endif @stop