Subscription Pages
This is an example web application that will demonstrate how into integrate into FastSpring's Subscription API.
You are currently simulated to be logged in with customer_ref = 1. This number will be passed to FastSpring and after the payment is processed the number will be passed back to the activate.php script.
Click on the Subscription Page link on the left nav to see the FastSpring subscription service in action.
FastSpring Store
Your FastSpring store needs to be configured in order to use this example. The following items need to be in configured:
- A subscription product
- Subscription Activated Notification
- Subscription Deactivated Notification
Web Application
You need to modify include.php to modify the following values to match your store's settings:
- $store_id
- $api_username
- $api_password
- $test_mode
- product_id
You also need to set the $privateKey variable in activate.php and deactivate.php. This private key needs to match the private key in the Security tab of the Subscription Activated Notification and Subscription Deactivated Notification respectively.